Friday, July 31, 2015

Never forget the cross

I wrote and deleted a rather long blog post tonight. 

It was about people who call themselves the leaders of the christian movement nationwide, but they are not. The world thinks they are, but the love of God is not in them. In my thoughts on this, I had to stop and dislodge a fairly large beam from my eye. 

I was upset to see them try to solve the problems of this world by worldly means labeled in christian terms.In expressing my thoughts on this and laying out my idea on how to solve this issue, I realized I was doing the same. 

"But for the grace of God, there go I." How easy it must be to trap men. These men were once devout men that went into these fields with great purpose. The devil is a viscous opponent and how he worked to deceive and played on their pride. I was wrong to criticize them as I did. We must pray for such men all the more that they have been given such a platform to sway the hearts of so many. 

God has allowed these men to represent the Church. What a wonderful opportunity for Him to display His power and change them. The christian church in America is falling apart. People are leaving in droves. The false gospel has taken its toll and when it no longer satisfies, the people seek a new experience. Nothing has changed in all the years from Christ to now. People need to see the love of God lived out faithfully in front of them. We are the vessels of His light to the world. We are an example of the gospel expressed. 

The rise of the Atheism movement has allowed for a clear line to be made visible. God has turned this country over to its desires, as this country has requested. In His grace he has allowed this nation to fall away. Now once again, the Light shines all the brighter in this new darkness. 

The tragic event in Charleston was disturbing. However, the response of true Christians shook the world. Christ was seen in that moment and so many were brought back to Him. When real Love is expressed through the work of the Holy Spirit in a believers life, it is power to convict of sin, to draw men to Christ and to redeem the lost. 

We don't need more laws. We don't need better plans. We don't need the schemes of politicians and the promise of a new movement. 

We need Christ. 

Christ alone saves.

Want to stop abortions? Live the gospel. We know that laws won't stop it. There were abortions before Roe v Wade. Want to stop Gay marriage? Spread the good news. Gays were here before the courts made their ruling. Want to stop predatory lending? Love the lost and downtrodden. Want to ease the problems of Prison populations? Pray that God would reach out to them. 

We must go to the lost and live among them. Paul didn't just tell people about the cross, he lived the cross. 

"For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." - I Cor 2:2 

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